Let's Get
In The Zone...
Tap into a unique hypnotherapy method that helps hard working founders put stress where it belongs: in the backseat, mouth closed.
...for the busy hard-working founder looking to silence fear, shed limiting beliefs, and live a life worth living.
Integrated Neurosomatic Clarity (INC) Method
"Let's Get In The Zone"
The Holistic Hybrid Hypnotherapy
As the founder of your own company, you’re a special breed of human.
You’ve somehow bucked off the social conditioning that would have you locked into a 9-5, mired in student (and other) debt, riddled with self-loathing anxiety, living paycheck-to-paycheck, while soaking up mass media and it's doomsday prophesies like it's candy for the brain...
But somehow you’re different.
You haven’t taken the bait. At least not in full anyway.
No. You decided to take a leap of faith and forge your own way forward.
“Fuck the system, I’ve got other plans,” kinda thing.
I don’t blame you. I did the same.
Trouble is, if there’s still residual aspects of the societal goo in the back of your head that prevents you from living up to your full potential, there isn’t really all that much help available for you to achieve that lofty goal, is there?
The education system isn't helping much. They'd just have you pumping out big money to come out the other side with a j-o-b (just over broke).
Big Pharma ain’t helping.
They'll just get you on their subscription model: drugs for life.
The 47 mindset books you've read only pumped you full of more axioms and platitudes. But hey, at least they gave you some mental frameworks to cope with some of life's stresses.
Sure, at least there's a few other founders and key creators on social media around that you're connecting with that make this place feel at least feel a little bit like 'home'...
...but even they have no idea what's really going on just under the surface of your experience, am I wrong?
After all, it's not an easy experience living on the edge as an outlier carving your own path, day in day out.
It's tough not knowing if the next idea is gonna work out, the next product will land well with your audience base, or if the next cohort will gain enough traction to keep the momentum going.
But somehow you just keep grinding and going.
Like I said, a different breed...
Even so, if you still feel out of place, stressed out, and on the edge of your sanity most days...
...it's not your fault.
Societal conditioning has you by the short and curly's.
We're all affected by it in one way or another.
Societal conditioning is a total bomb to the subconscious mind.
It wreaks havoc on even the best intentions.
Your guess is as good as mine as to why we're being drip fed a constant negative psychological diet of all the disempowering what we should and shouldn't do, what we should and shouldn't be, what we should and shouldn't think.
It's like liquid junk food for the mind.
It’s about time for a different approach for people who want to live on their own terms, is it not?
That’s why I took my personal experience in the alternative health and wellness space from the last 20 years and created a system that blends together a variety of professional specialties to create a hybrid holistic hypnotherapy method specifically geared toward the challenges that founders have.
It’s called the Integrated Neurosomatic Clarity (INC) method and it helps to banish the bullshit conditioning that creates societal NPCs from your consciousness once and for all.
I've developed this method so founders like you (and me) can finally get in the zone and stay there more often, with less hassle, knowing exactly where you're going and how you'll be getting there.
It’s time to blast through errant paradigms, no?
It’s time to move beyond the residual sludge from your past, yea?
Are you not finally in a position now to do something for yourself that brings you into a more productive, happy, and genuinely empowered place in both your personal and professional life?
Haven't you been through enough already?
That’s what I thought.
A New Trance-formation
Everyone experiences a light state of trance throughout the day at some point.
This is especially true if you consume a lot of media, information, and content on a regular basis.
This is a good thing if what you're observing includes empowering suggestions and conditioning.
But most of the time, it's a mixed bag at best, creating potentially problematic internal triggers that lead to unwanted outcomes.
And it's all happening below your conscious awareness for the most part.
This is one of the main reasons so many great people are leaving a giant fortune on the table due to subtle (and often not-so-subtle) internal emotional conflicts, fears, frustrations, and limiting beliefs.
This fortune isn't just bottom line dollars either (although that's a big part of it)...
...it's also the fortune of:
-free time
-feeling at peace with life, ourselves, and the world, and
-being the kind of person that can leave a legacy behind by feeding the world with hard-won wisdom.
But it's really hard to see the glitch in our own inner world. A bit like trying to see your own eyes without a mirror.
We're often blind to our folly, and may even get defensive if it's pointed out by others.
And even when we do become aware of the things we're doing to sabotage our gains, it's often difficult to know what to do about it.
Maybe you can relate.
I remember being in the room with Jesse Itzler (billionaire serial entrepreneur, husband of Spanx founder Sara Blakely) and he was talking about his early days smashing limiting beliefs.
He came up with an awesome idea for a type of 'aircraft ride-sharing' for private jets that executives (and other jet setters) could use instead of having to purchase their own private jet.
Nobody ever did that before, but it was an opening in the market he wanted to break into.
In his attempt to get it off the ground, he was shut down by a bunch of investors, again and again. But rather than giving up, he took another approach.
He stepped outside of societal conventions and 'roleplayed' his way into a meeting with a bigwig that would have never seen him otherwise.
He got the guy's attention.
Not long later, he was on pace to becoming a billionaire making $200M/yr selling rides on someone else's fleet!
He's now involved in many other verticals, and is a world renown philanthropist on a mission to help the world become healthy, wealthy, and full of authentic expression.
Why am I sharing this story?
Because (somehow) he didn't get in his own way.
He wasn't letting everyone around him negatively condition him with rejection, bad advice, and irrelevant opinions.
Something in him didn't cater to the kind of societal conditioning that would have left a billion dollar idea on the table.
He never took the bait.
Must be nice to be a natural...
Because here's the thing: I know I've taken the bait many times.
Maybe I'm not a billionaire because I didn't listen to my inner voice at 20 and start the business I had the idea for, or at 26 with the thing I thought would be awesome, or at 33 when I first thought of a great way to sell things online, or at 40 starting a worldwide movement...
...I'm sure you get the point.
The question is, how many billion dollar opportunities have you let slide because of limiting beliefs, negative self-image, lack of confidence, or just plain self-sabotage?
How many opportunities to connect with successful people have been missed (or are currently passing you by) because you felt like you didn't have anything to give them?
This doesn't have to be the case.
But we're not all automatically wired like Jesse Itzler with an iron will to win no matter what. Even if we can relate mentally, for some reason the subconscious mind wont let us break through.
And this is exactly where hypnotherapy can truly shine.
First of all, this isn't your traditional "sit in a chair" kind of therapy (although you might sit in a chair).
Come to think of it, it's not really 'therapy' at all, per se (although you'll likely feel like you've resolved a lot of things and landed on the right track after years of grinding the rails).
It's more like a special kind of "conversational hypnotic coaching" for founders that lights up new ways of using your mind and body together as a unified whole.
It's designed to bring you more readily into the moment—the only place anything really happens anyways—so you can make sound decisions from a place a clarity and confidence.
Today's founders are dealing with enough stress as it is.
The last thing we need is to let...
...conditioning get in the way of our efforts.
I'm gonna tell it to you straight: you've been under a hypnotic societal trance.
And not the kind you'd want to be under, either.
It's the equivalent of toxic junk food for the subconscious mind.
Ever wonder why you freeze up when around high performers?
Every feel uptight and nervous around a gorgeous potential date?
Ever shrink into your chair rather than speaking up when you have a question or something to say at an event or meeting with big players?
Ever feel like doing anything other than what you 'should' be doing because you're bored, frustrated, or overwhelmed?
Sounds like you've been digesting neurological junk food and your subconscius mind is using the 'negative nutrients' to fuel undesirable behaviours.
But you're not the only one.
We all are.
And it's not your fault.
You're actually functioning perfectly normal based on the conditions set by your unconscious mind initiated by whatever flavour of societal trance you're digesting.
It's actually ingrained into the way we learn, think, and identify ourselves in the world.
But we don't have to suffer the ill effects of misplaced, unwanted, out-of-service conditioning.
That's why I do what I do.
That's why I devised a special hybrid holistic hypnotherapy method to specifically deal with the kinds of challenges up and coming founders face every day.
I know at least a little bit about this...
...I've started and exited four different business over the years, and currently running a successful hypnotic coaching centre.
And now I get to help you fight fire with fire.
We'll use the same fundamental neurological and psychological principles that got you entranced in a hypnotic conditioning that doesn't serve you...
...to not only serve you, but to make sure you thrive.
Why not use naturally occurring hypnotic states to purposefully tap into your inner wellspring of genius instead?
There's many ways to do this, but it all starts in a similar way: move a few things out to make way for new things.
Things like:
-Limiting beliefs
-Old family habits
-Internal conflicts of who you want to be vs. where you are now
-The fear of losing everything you've built
...are all part of the bathwater that needs draining.
Only we get to keep the proverbial baby: your dreams, goals, and genius inner self.
No more missed opportunities because you freeze and can't speak up. No way, let's make the world a better place every time you use your voice.
No more 'playing it safe' and keeping a low profile even though what you do could help a lot of people. Let's hold your head high and make that offer.
No more worrying whether or not you're making the right decisions. You just make the decision and then act as if it's the right one as you iterate forward.
But before we begin, a few house cleaning rules...
...if you're looking for someone to fix your problems without you having to put in some effort toward applying what you experience in session, click away now, this wont work for you.
...if you can't tolerate someone being honest and direct with you, you'll get nothing from our work together—except maybe more reasons to play the victim. Close the browser window before it's too late.
...if words like 'fuck' make you think or feel things are unprofessional, there's other professional services around that will give you a more sterile linguistic experience. Go hit them up, this wont be the place for you.
However...if you have some spine, can handle a bit of contextual strong language, want to genuinely improve your handle on things, and take on life willfully and confidently...
...before we roll on, here's a little something I got in my inbox earlier this week (at the time of this writing) from a client of mine (his name's Pat R. and lives in the Great Down Under, Australia) who was dealing with a bunch of hard stuff:
"Hey my bro!
Hope you and the fam are doing great!
I just wanted to reach out and let you know that your sessions provided me with a gift beyond measure: a transformative journey that unearthed gratitude, forgiveness, and a deeper understanding of myself on my spiritual journey.
This profound exploration not only brought me peace but has also enriched my being, fostering connections within myself, with others, and my life purpose.
Your skillful finesse and emotional intelligence during these sessions were evident throughout. You were able to intuitively determine when to gently nudge me in the right direction to get to the core of the work.
Your dedication and genuine desire to aid others in their healing and spiritual journey shines brightly from the moment I met you. Your adeptness in navigating the depths of this practice, coupled with your compassionate approach, made the entire experience not just enlightening but deeply comforting.
I'm truly grateful for your expertise and heartfelt commitment to guiding me through transformative healing and spiritual growth.
During these sessions I feel that I have made tremendous progress and that I have truly changed within because of this experience."
Notice how Pat said nothing about fear, anger, or sadness?
That's not how it all started.
Pretty wild, really...
The 'Fuck Fear' Stance
In the context of the work we do together, fear is that irritating little feeling that rears it's ugly head just when you're about to do something that means something to you.
You know the one...
The "I don't know if it'll work so I shouldn't even try" kind of voice.
The "How am I supposed to compete against all these other people who've been doing this longer than me?" little nag.
The "there's no way they'll like my offer, it's not worth the rejection" lying little gib.
Fear raises it's head in so many ways:
- Fear of failure
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of public speaking
- Fear of new experiences
- Fear of asking for what you want
- Fear of taking a calculated risk
- Fear of being an imposter
- Fear of showing emotion
- Fear of being noticed
- Fear of standing out
...and so on.
You get the point.
At best, it's like experiencing a low-level irritation that nips at our heels preventing us from doing our best work. At worst, it's like paralyzing anxiety that turns the whole world into a frozen fear frenzy.
I'm sure you can relate.
However, what you might notice here is that this is not the kind of fear that might save your life, like the fear of walking into a living lions den, swimming with hippos, or chumming up shark infested water with a fresh calf injury.
This kind of fear is perfectly normal and designed to save your life.
The problem with all those fears listed above is that studies show they trigger some of the same areas in the brain that are designed to save you from a tiger chasing you.
Our brains don't know the difference and sets off a chain of chemical events that, in the modern world, is about as useful as a bag of bricks tied to your feet in the middle of the ocean.
And the odd thing is that NOBODY is immune to this innate survival function of the brain.
From paupers to billionaires, we all experience irrational fear (and I've sat with both, and everything in between).
You'll never get fully rid of it. But you CAN do something about it.
Together we can send that nagging little ninny to sit down and shut it's mouth.
It's the "Fuck Fear" stance, and it'll serve you well on the road to your inevitable success.
I'll teach it to you if you're interested.
My job is to help you to identify the specific things that trigger fear, and then help your brain learn a new way to behave when 'hot moments' happen.
"Lets Get in The Zone"
INC Method
It's a bit like flow state, only with a specific intention and purpose that is specific to your unique path.
It's what "being in the zone" means in the context of the work we do together.
The "hardest" thing you'll do in a hypnotherapy session is get clear about who you are when you're in the zone.
It's only when you're in the zone that fear takes a backseat.
And clarity isn't just in the head. It has to be felt in the whole body.
Genuine clarity is systemic.
So our first step is getting here.
Once we get some clarity about what's going on inside, we focus on where you'd rather be going...
...and begin to unlock your innate wisdom.
From this place of clarity and innate wisdom, the possibilities you couldn't see before become more apparent.
This happens due to a simple realization that we unearth from inside you by using our unique Integrated Neurosomatic Clarity (INC) Method to get you in the zone.
Tapping into
Your Inner Resources
The process is a bit like unveiling an inner compass point that guides the way.
This inner compass becomes especially useful for when things start getting tough (because they will every once in a while).
Our method employs the latest breakthroughs of the last 20 years in neuroscience, psychology, spirituality, hypnotherapy, spiritual regression therapy, and HNLP so we can explore your specific strategy of getting in your own way...
...because that's essentially what you're doing when you're out of the zone, having this-or-that 'problem'.
Once we identify what's going on, we then immediately step right into your vast inner resources for being the epic person deep down you know is your birthright.
You could almost call it 'god mode' and not be far off.
And by the way, if this sounds stupid to your conscious mind, it's supposed to, to some degree.
And there's a simple reason for this: conditioning.
You've been conditioned by sociocultural programs to feel smaller than you are. To think smaller than you can.
But we're here to change that together.
After all, it would be nice to get out of your own way and live up to your highest potential, would it not?
The good thing is, it's all already there for you to tap into.
Your unconscious and superconscious mind knows EXACTLY what this means, entails, and looks like for you.
And it's not just an ego trip either.
Time for
is it not?
Didn't one of the most famous spiritual teachers of all time say something to the effect of "Know ye not ye are gods"?
This isn't some lofty woowoo bullshizz.
Over and over again, I witness people enter into the state of their empowerment.
It looks a bit different to each person, but the quality is the same.
Peace, confidence, strength, and an overall sense of freedom.
The reason I love referencing the saints and sages of the past is that they did a lot of work to be great and it shows in their works, doctrines, and testimonies.
With the latest in brain scanning technology, heart coherence methods, and functional medicine results, we now have ways to shortcut the consciousness states that allow you to step into your higher functions.
And it's as natural as breathing. Once you get it you'll wonder how you didn't notice it before.
So why not step into YOUR legacy of greatness, too?
Surely you're right on the cusp of something huge if you just get out of your own way, are you not?
So lets have a bit of fun together and wrestle that haggy nag of fear to the ground and put it in a muzzle where it belongs.
Together we'll point in the direction that allows you to finally apply this for yourself.
From the place of EMBODYING your higher truth...
...do you think anxiety, addiction, non-contextual fear, procrastination, imposter syndrome, frustration, etc. mean anything to you when you've stepped into your 'god' self?
So let's get there together.
It's Go Time
Let me be clear...
...it's going to take some work on your part to stay in the zone, but at least you'll have an experience of being there and knowing what it feels like.
Achieving anything great in life takes effort, practice, and dedication.
This is no different.
There's no magic wand or fancy hypnosis that can save you from having to put in the time to be the greatness you know you can be.
Even if there was, isn't it more fun to know you've done it on your own terms?
Isn't it better to know that all you needed was a little push and you did the rest?
Time to become a hunter.
Let's get you in the zone and "hunting the now" like a lion on the savanna with a gazelle in it's sights.
Click the big orange button below if you're interested in embarking on what may become for you the journey of a lifetime, now...
$2297.55 - 3-month container with 6 'Get in the Zone' Founders Sessions.*
*Founders sessions require an intake form and free 30-minute intake call. Sessions are twice per month, at your convenience, and last between 2 - 3 hours each. We reserve the right to decline an application at our discretion.
...ready now to mute fear, get out of your own way, get crystal clear about where you're going, and become a top performer in your niche? That's what I thought...
Let's GO!
"Eddie is a highly knowledgeable Hypnotherapist with a friendly demeanour focused on results! Book a session to find out for yourself, you won't regret it.
For as long as I can remember, I was terrified of creating healthy boundaries, and my business was suffering because of it. I felt that people would reject me and stop supporting me if I didn't fawn to their needs. Fuck that, it appears. Now I'm running my business on my own terms, and everyone prefers it that way!
Eddie is very knowledgeable and compassionate. He made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process. Even when I felt emotional, Eddie maintained professionalism while also staying focused on the purpose of the session."
- Kayla K, Indiana, USA
Meet Eddie Kays
Founder of the International Centre for Expanded Awareness

Eddie Kays, CHt
Founder ICEA

Hey there! I'm Eddie Kays and I've been all about holistic healing for as long as I can remember (at least 20 years now).
My journey's been a colourful mix of hypnotherapy, massage, Reiki, Quantum Touch, herbal remedies, and even a bit of botanical gardening.
Now, cruising through my 40s, I'm taking my skills global, aiming to offer hypnotherapy sessions far and wide.
I kicked off ICEA to take my mission of helping others on their healing path to the next level, not just here in Canada (born and raised), but anywhere you might be in this digital world.
It's an exciting time to connect and make a difference in more lives.
While other healing methods are fantastic, they sometimes don't quite hit the mark in tackling those deep-seated, subconscious issues.
That's where my approach with hypnotherapy comes into play.
If hypnotherapy's calling your name and you're up for working together with me and ICEA, I'm all in to show you the kind of change we can achieve.
I've seen so many amazing transformations already and would honoured and grateful to be part of your journey too!
Eddie Kays, CHt
Founder ICEA