“Anytime I got frustrated, I had a hard time staying composed. It was affecting my relationship with my son, and I hated that. Now I have an arsenal of tools to use that helps me stay true to myself...”
-Pat R., Australia
“I was bullied a lot in school and it made it hard for me to trust people. Using the techniques I learned, I feel a lot more confident in sharing my voice and expressing myself....”
-Madi C., Canada
“It wasn't public speaking that I had a hard time with, it was being around my family without getting triggered. That's changed, and I never would have thought it could be so simple...”
-Nancy V., Romania
“Negotiating my needs in relationships hasn't been easy for me, especially when there's something emotional in the way. I never knew it could be as easy as using a few techniques to create win-win situations...”
-Andy K., Germany
“Being honest with my husband about my feelings was really hard for me sometimes. At least now I know I can use these techniques to be myself, even when it's uncomfortable...”
-Mary W., USA
New approaches for complex challenges through specialized hypnotherapy
One of the most fascinating things about hypnotherapy, is that it gets to the root of complex issues without having to sit around talking about all your problems over and over again.
Here at the International Centre for Expanded Awareness (ICEA), we have developed The Libertas Method designed to help de-hypnotize us out of the trance of societal conditioning, outdated trauma, and cultural programming that no longer serve our highest good or our divine heritage.
In other words: freedom.
We've all suffered long enough at the hands of those who would have us believe we are anything less than beacons of God's light (by whatever name you refer to God), and we're here to ensure a smooth path to achieving this clarity.
We reveal the root of the issue and free your heart.
In todays' rough and tumbled world, genuinely stepping into our power takes a unique approach.
Our Libertas Method Program takes you on a playful, fun, and immersive journey through your inner world to help you shed your shackles and live a life on our own terms, full of love, confidence, divine blessings...
...and FREEDOM.

An Integrated Approach — The Multi-Modal Method
Hybrid Hypnotherapy for a complex world with complex challenges.
In order to face the complexity of your modern challenges we've developed a holistic hybrid hypnotherapy method we've called The Libertas Method comprised of a blend of multiple modalities.
This approach is designed to help you address complex emotional and mental challenges like anxiousness, low mood, and traumatic experiences (among many other challenges) in a safe and relaxed way. Once we get to the heart of the issue, we begin to make room for your best self on all levels - mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
We integrate the practices of hypnosis, leading-edge neuroscience, age regression, past life regression (PLR), between lives regression (BLR), spirit releasement (SRT), NLP, breathwork, bodywork, and subtle energy work.
We still offer the option to experience 'traditional' sessions focussed specifically on Age Regression, PLR, BLR, or even SRT, if that's what you feel specifically called to do.
However, if you're open to it, we've found The Libertas Method can help to resolve the broader challenges we face every day, quicker and more efficiently.
After all, a full spectrum resolution to your challenges (that can include ALL the potential modalities if/when they arise, instead of just one) sounds way more effective, does it not?

Symptoms of an Awakening Soul
Sometimes our biggest hardships are the gateway to higher states.
Ever wonder why some people just don't seem to care about "trauma," the way they behave, or how they impact themselves or the world? It may forever be a unsolved mystery.
That you're here right now, however, likely means you're are on a path of awakening from the stupor of societal conditioning and internal strife. If you're like many, it's not easy. It can feel like paddling upstream of societal expectations, and can seem very daunting.
That's why the ICEA was founded. To help those like you called to the path of deep healing get the support you need.
One thing is for sure: if you're feeling called to doing deep work, resolving challenging issues, and becoming the best kind of person you can be in the world—whether you know it yet or not—you are a powerful creator beyond your wildest dreams.
We know this about you because we continually witness people break through the social conditioning that gets in the way, only to realize their immense ability to create the life of their dreams...
...A life with far less jitters, emotional disregulation, fear, and anguish.
...A life with far fewer unbearable bouts of guilt, blame, and shame from outdated experiences that no longer represent who we are.
...A life less burdened by the blocks of early childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect.
...A life that maximizes energy, focus, connection, wealth, and charisma.
That's right.
And the beautiful thing about this process is that it's all on your own terms.

Will Hypnotherapy work for you?
Our Libertas Method can help get over a lot of challenges, but it's not for everyone, or for every situation.
It would be wrong of us to suggest that The Libertas Method works for everyone, every time, under all conditions. So let's just make sure we're clear about what we can and cannot work with here at the ICEA.
The Libertas Method helps:
- Low mood.
- Addiction.
- Lack of focus.
- Emotional fatigue.
- Feeling lost, not belonging, or general malaise.
- Fear of social situations, public speaking, expressing opinions, and other communication challenges.
- A long-standing ache or pain that other medical professionals can't seem to explain.
- Feeling like bad energies have attached to you or other negative supernatural phenomenon.
- Traumatic memories from various horrible life experiences that haunt you to this day.
- Fear of opening up the heart to others making it hard to form deep loving relationships.
- Fear of doing what you know is right.
- Problems breaking bad habits.
- Not sure which direction to take in life.
...and so much more.
The Libertas Method also helps anchor and amplify desirable states, such as:
- Peak performance.
- Positive attitude.
- New skills and talents.
- States of peace, confidence, happiness, connection, etc.
- Personal wellness.
- Increased intuition and empathy.
- Nonlocal perception.
- and more
The above list is not extensive and serves as a general idea of the kinds of things we can help with.
However, we cannot help you if...
...you want to come to sessions on drugs, "plant medicines" (like cannabis), or alcohol, this won't work. You need to be able to take a sober dive into you inner world, your feelings, and the subtleties of body language. Substances like the above dull the senses and make our work together more challenging. If you use these kinds of substances regularly, but are willing to abstain from them the day of our sessions, over time you may actually find that these no longer serve you and drop them anyway.
...you want to avoid putting in some work on your own time to sit with the techniques you learn, this isn't for you. Hypnotherapy is not a one-shot "take-a-pill' type of approach. It is a deeply personal journey that requires your attention and participation to see long-term success.
...you want to continue thinking, living, and feeling the way you do without shifting your mindset, feelings, behaviours, and attitudes, then you won't get results and should try something else.
This isn't for the undedicated souls who want to identify with old and outdated stories of the past.
That said, if you're willing to adopt the power of prayer, faith, introspection, and dedication to living a bright life, The Libertas Method can help steer your heart and mind in the right direction.

Opening to spontaneous awareness.
You hold an immense wisdom within the subconscious. Our job is to help reveal it...
Our lives can become more full of things we actually like. Our lives can feel like there's a bit of magic and miracles in the background, creating little moments of inspiration throughout the day.
We can feel like we're being held by the loving hands of God, the Great Spirit of Creation (by whatever name you refer to it) and love every minute of the process that unfolds.
So, if you're ready to take a step in a new direction and would like to try something new, fun, and based on who you really are inside, let's chat.
Let's start a conversation and see if we're a good fit for each other, no?
I look forward to meeting you and participating in your expansion!
When you're ready, go ahead and click "I'm ready to start my journey" button below. It'll take you to a page where you can let us know some of the tough stuff you've been experiencing so we can get to the root of it together. At the end of the form you can schedule a free 30-minute Zoom call with us to go over everything and to see if we're a good fit for each other.
Sound good?
Here's to being your best and highest self...
Eddie Kays | The Freedom Whisperer
Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHt.)
Founder and Lead Hypnotherapist
“Anytime I got frustrated, I had a hard time staying composed. It was affecting my relationship with my son, and I hated that. Now I have an arsenal of tools to use that helps me stay true to myself...”
-Pat R., Australia
“I was bullied a lot in school and it made it hard for me to trust people. Using the techniques I learned, I feel a lot more confident in sharing my voice and expressing myself....”
-Madi C., Canada
“It wasn't public speaking that I had a hard time with, it was being around my family without getting triggered. That's changed, and I never would have thought it could be so simple...”
-Nancy V., Romania
“Negotiating my needs in relationships hasn't been easy for me, especially when there's something emotional in the way. I never knew it could be as easy as using a few techniques to create win-win situations...”
-Andy K., Germany
“Being honest with my husband about my feelings was really hard for me sometimes. At least now I know I can use these techniques to be myself, even when it's uncomfortable...”
-Mary W., USA
Frequently Asked Questions
We present a program consisting of 3 to 5 sessions, scheduled weekly over a few weeks.
The first session focuses on hypnosis and regression to positive resources, allowing you to grasp and become comfortable with the process, setting the stage for...
The second session, where we delve into the core of the issue, shedding light on it for a thorough understanding. This preparation leads us to...
The third session, where we apply a precise and comprehensive therapeutic resolution. Establishing a structured beginning, middle, and end over time is crucial for cultivating new habits and seamlessly integrating them into daily life.
Typically, three sessions prove sufficient. However, you may discover that an additional session or a follow-up a month later can enhance the overall effectiveness.
Does this work for you? Are you able to commit to this three-session program?
A "Righteous Rebel" is someone who has a deep love for spirituality but has a hard time with the way the world is set up. All the negative media, toxic foods, corporate overreach, religious extremism, and so many other things are deeply troubling to us and we want to break free of the societal matrix that holds us in 'bondage' to this errant way of being.
We stand for truth. We stand for harmony, love, peace, God, and our divine heritage. We want the world to feel blessed, and full of opportunities to live a life of purpose. We value the experience of being kind, good-hearted, and forgiving.
But we mean business. We are here to change the world by first fully being the change we want to see in it. We are the beacons of light in the world and are here to lead by example.
We are the ones here to light up the world, one blessed heart at a time.With age regression, you get super clear, relaxed, and tuned in to what's bubbling just under the surface of your daily hustle and bustle.
A trained age regression therapist is like your guide through a maze, elevating your awareness to those forgotten corners of your mind secretly pulling the strings behind long-standing issues rooted in your past.
From here, the deeper issues can all be worked through by tapping into your all-knowing subconscious mind, with you in the driver's seat, fully aware and actively participating.
This is a great modality if you're looking for solutions to your experiences with family, friends, and career, as well as personal issues related to anxiety, depression, imposter syndrome and more.
Have you experienced unexplained déjà vu moments that feel connected to a different era?
Have you ever pondered the reasons behind your attraction to specific kinds of people or locations?
Are there recurring dreams or motifs in your life that might have roots in past experiences?
Are you battling with unexplainable fears or phobias?
Do you possess talents or skills that you've never formally learned?
Do you suffer from persistent pains that refuse to heal, regardless of your efforts
Do certain historical periods or cultures inexplicably resonate with you?
Might these experiences be remnants of your previous lifetimes?
Linking your past to your present could uncover a crucial missing element that provides clarity on current life challenges or anxieties.
If hypnotherapy is great for dealing with challenges in your current life, past life regression takes it to a whole new level.
Insight into who you are on a higher level and why you're in the life your currently life, with the people you're in your life with, becomes a lot more clear.
Have you ever felt like life is more than what meets the eye?
Maybe it's because it is...
The first person (that we know of in a professional setting) to regress someone to a between life realm was a man by the name of Dr. Michael Newton.
He noticed that his clients would slip into a 'place between lives' when going through certain spiritual regression sessions like PLR.
Today, many people have learned from his methods and have developed ways to integrate this universal experience into holistic hypnotherapy sessions.
Here at the ICEA, our BLR sessions open the door to the heavenly realms, the place we ALL go between incarnations (anyone who tells you different is out of alignment with reality—at least from the 50+ years of documented cases of people going through Near Death Experiences, Between Lives Regression sessions, as well as Non-Local Perception sessions and sharing what they experience).
In this between lives realm, essential choices about our next lives and our reasons for coming to Earth are determined.
The experience is awe-inspiring as you connect with various elements of this dimension, such as:
Meeting your primary soul group with whom you regularly reincarnate (and are likely with in your life right now)
Going through a life review in front of your "Council of Elders." This is the soul elders who lovingly monitor your evolution across different lives. They're a bit like soul ancestors that guide our journey through time.
Tapping into the "Hall of Records" (aka the Akashic Records), which archives all your past lives, among many other things about creation.
You can sit in with your soul council in the "Life Selection Room", where you select your family and even the physical body you currently possess, choose various life paths, and decide what Karmic resolutions you'll be participating in.
In addition to these experiences, you might also:
Encounter spiritual guides who have been with you in various lifetimes,
Review karmic lessons and understand how they shape your current life,
Gain insights into unresolved issues from past lives and how they impact you now,
Explore the soul contracts you've made and their significance in your current journey,
Experience profound healing by understanding the soul's eternal nature.
Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT) is a unique method used by ICEA and others to assist in the removal of unwelcome spirits from your body, home, or place of business.
In the old days, priests would use very aggressive "exorcism" techniques to remove spirits. This is now seen as archaic and out of alignment with what is actually happening in cases where you have a spirit attachment.
All spirit goes back to the light in some way.
For instance, if it's a 'ghost' (what SRT professionals refer to as an 'earthbound spirit') they are listened to, honoured as a fellow being in God, and released into the light where they belong. They have a story and are often just lost, afraid, and needing a bit of guidance.
'Demons' and other 'dark-style' spirits (what we refer to in SRT as 'dark-force entities' (DFE's)), are spirits that are convinced of their darkness and 'nefarious agenda'. They try to fulfill their 'agenda' of slowing down the progress of light-based beings and can be a bit like a parasite when untended.
The good thing is, even DFE's are from the light and have simply forgotten this fact.
Every so often we stumble upon someone who has something related to an ET attachment. This is usually in the form of some kind of 'device' or something to that effect that is being used to monitor and track them as they go about their life.
No matter what the case is, we have very specific techniques to address everything.
Because at the end of the day, in SRT, our task is simple: identify and release any unwanted spirits from the body. Period. Chapter over. New day ahead.
And we get there through a specific set of techniques that you help guide while in session.
Once the spirit(s) is released back to the light, we seal up the aura, do a bit of reconditioning of the light body, and let you get on with your life in a better, more refreshed kind of way.
Clearly, this is not a modality for everyone and is only offered after an extensive intake form is filled out and call is completed.
This is a very common question and glad you asked. Hypnotic susceptibility is a measure of how easily a person can be hypnotized. There are several types of scales used to measure hypnotic susceptibility, but the most commonly used ones are the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility and the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales.
Simply put, there is a small portion of the population (between 10 - 30% depending on the source) that has a hard time experiencing the hypnotic state through guided hypnosis with a therapist. This is not because they can't be hypnotized, but rather because they are unable (for whatever reason) to allow themselves to go through the process.
The truth is, everyone is self-hypnotizing at various times every single day whether they realize it or not. We are here to make this this a purposeful and intentional experience, rather than the randomly occurring self hypnosis states that may or may not result in positive outcomes (often they do not, otherwise very few of us, if any, would have emotional, mental, or spiritual issues.
Common concerns some people bring up:
My Memory Recall Is Limited. Some clients express difficulty remembering events before the ages of five, seven, or even ten years old. However, most people with this concern are amazed that when they're in the hypnotic state, the subconscious helps them recall events from any time in the past.
I Struggle to Relax. It's intriguing how you already suggest things to yourself! Your ability to confidently practice self-hypnosis is impressive, already convincing yourself of circumstances that are often far from true. Rather than working against you, let's harness that skill to work in your favour.
I Fear Losing Control. You always have full control over entering hypnosis and choosing to emerge from it at any time. You retain the ability to decide to enter and remain in hypnosis willingly. You're here not because you're out of control but to gain control over the presenting issue. Hypnosis isn't about surrendering control; it's about genuinely taking command.
I Probably Can't be Hypnotized. Your willingness determines the effectiveness of the hypnotic process. If you choose to obstruct it, you can. If you choose to cooperate with the hypnotic process to achieve your desired outcomes, you can. Right now, you can choose to affirm that you are a perfectly receptive person able to take full advantage of the hypnotic state to improve your life. It's entirely your decision.
You're exactly right. Just fiction.
When you are in a state of hypnotic suggestion, your subconscious mind will never allow you do do things that don't align with your beliefs. Furthermore, our job is not to 'tell' you what to do, think, or feel. This never truly works to resolve issues anyways, even if we did.
Our job is to facilitate a state of mind that allows you to see the answers you already have tucked away in the recesses of your subconscious mind. You already have all your answers, it's just a matter of tapping into the right state of awareness to allow those answers to arise organically, tailored specifically to you and your exact experience.
That's the wonder and beauty of hypnotherapy and the subconscious mind.
Great question. Put very simply, the subconscious mind is the part of your operating system that takes care of things you don't have to think about on purpose. For instance, your heart beats automatically without you having to think about it. You dream without telling yourself to. A small bruise heals automatically, etc. These are all the realm of the subconscious mind.
The conscious mind is responsible for goal setting, learning new tasks, organizing, critical thinking, short term memory, analysis, in-the-moment decisions. This is our everyday waking state and related to practical operational activity throughout the day.
The subconscious mind is responsible for automatic bodily processes, genetics, medium and long-term memory, emotional charges from memory, dreaming and sleeping, habits and 'automatic' behaviours, beliefs, identity. This is our animal nature and the deep biological rhythms and/or how we respond to them. Essentially it's all things anatomy & physiology, emotion, and underlying thought processes behind our habits and behaviours.
The superconscious mind is responsible for all things universal or spirit, epigenetics, and transcendent wisdom that seems to come from a deep understanding of the nature of existence. This our universal or spiritual nature and is the highest state of awareness and comes from our highest form of selfhood.
So as you can see, the subconscious mind pretty much runs the show just under the surface of our conscious awareness. This is why hypnotherapy can be such a helpful tool for examining your internal states and coming to resolutions you just can't seem to resolve by talking about it or consciously thinking about it.
The simple answer is anything that stems from subconscious activity. So anything related to:
-Addiction and unwanted habits
-Self esteem
-Unresolved emotions
-Repetitive thoughts
-Body dysmorphia
-Unwanted automatic behaviours
The subconscious also helps anchor and amplify desirable states, such as:
-Peak performance
-Positive attitude
-New skills and talents
-States of peace, confidence, happiness, connection, etc.
-Personal wellness
-Increased intuition and empathy
-Nonlocal perception
-and more
So as you can see, you can have a lot of fun with hypnotherapy. You can rewire all kinds of subconscious programs to stop undesirable experiences and amplify desirable ones. All of the solutions, by the way, are served up by your subconscious mind and not by the hypnotherapist. It's something you truly have to experience for yourself.
At the moment, ICEA is dedicated to providing online sessions for qualified applicants. This is a preferable method for various reasons and has shown to be an effective way to experience hypnotherapy sessions, and come to therapeutic resolutions.
Please refer to the Online Hypnotherapy Sessions section above. If you have any more questions about the intake form or the process, please send an email with your questions to contact@iceahypnotherapy.com
The subconscious mind will only show you what you need to resolve the primary issue you come to the session for. What this means is, if you happen to be served up a painful memory, it's only so that you get the opportunity to move beyond it while you go through the hypnotherapeutic process. This will help you click into the right state of mind so you can feel good about yourself and what you really are.
Whenever the subconscious reminds us of old unwanted experiences and emotions, it also has the 'antidote' for these states just on the other side of the memory.
It's a little bit like the old tale of the dragon in the dungeon. The dragon is always sitting on (and hoarding) a giant pile of gold. But for the hero of the story to get to the gold (often stolen by the dragon over years of pillaging) they have to 'slay the dragon.'
If the subconscious serves up an old 'traumatic' memory for you to witness, it's showing you the dragon it's helping you to slay so you can get to the alchemical gold it used to sit on.
For you this might be a renewed sense of confidence, ability, peacefulness, courage, and/or any other number of empowering states inherent in your subconscious mind just waiting to be revealed.
Individual experiences in hypnosis vary from person to person and can differ each time.
The sensations within the body may range from a feeling of heaviness to lightness, a sense of sinking to floating, or sensations of tingling warmth. The mind may undergo various states, such as calm clarity, concentrated focus, dreamy driftiness, or a feeling of peace and confidence.
It's normal to occasionally drift away from the specific words being spoken during the session, yet remain connected to the essence of the communication.
Hypnosis can be sustained whether your eyes are open or closed, whether you are engaged in conversation or in silent contemplation, and whether you are still or in motion.
The emotional spectrum is wide, and one can delve deeply into any emotion while still being within the hypnotic experience.
About The ICEA
At it's core, the International Center for Expanded Awareness (ICEA) is designed to be your go-to online spot for slowing down in a fast-paced world so you can get to know yourself better.
We started ICEA because we noticed folks were looking for something more, something to tackle those deep-rooted issues that other methods just weren't touching.
Think of us as the place you turn to when you've tried it all and are looking for that 'aha' moment.
But rather than waiting until you've run out of options, if you've landed here, maybe it's for a reason.
We're here to help. especially if we
Imagine going through a session together and realizing that our approach is just what you've been looking for. That suddenly you're in awe of your mind's power, resourcefulness, and creativity.
It's all about unlocking that potential within you to achieve your goals and live the life you've always felt is meant for you (even if you've only felt it in fleeting moments).
Picture it like hitting a reset button: you get a fresh start and a new perspective. You get to be less in pain, and more inspired.
And the best part?
You're moving forward with this rock-solid belief that your subconscious is now your strongest ally.
Let's make that happen together!
Meet Eddie Kays,

Hey there! I'm Eddie Kays (The Freedom Whisperer) founder and lead hypnotherapist here at the International Centre for Expanded Awareness.
My interest in holistic health modalities began when someone I knew attempted suicide in front of me. I was able to talk the person out of it, even though they would no longer be with us had I not been there.
Since then, understanding the human condition (at least 20 years now) has been an all consuming focus for me. And I've learned I have a natural ability to assist others through tough stuff, and even tap into peak states of living great lives.
Today, as a father, husband, and entrepreneur, I know how important it is to show up every day ready to be the best I can be. And I know how hard it can be to get over deep seated trauma and social conditioning.
That's why I spent most of my life's journey exploring a colourful mix of holistic healing modalities such as hypnotherapy, massage, Reiki, Quantum Touch, HNLP, EFT, herbal remedies, permaculture, and even a bit of botanical gardening.
Now, cruising through my 40s, I'm taking my skills global, aiming to offer hypnotherapy sessions via The Libertas Method far and wide.
I kicked off ICEA to take my mission of helping others on their healing path to the next level, not just here in Canada (where I was born and raised), but anywhere you might be in this digital world.
It's an exciting time to connect and make a difference in more lives.
While other healing methods are fantastic, they sometimes don't quite hit the mark in tackling those deep-seated, subconscious issues.
That's where my approach with hypnotherapy comes into play.
If hypnotherapy's calling your name and you're up for working together with me and ICEA, I'm all in to show you the kind of change we can achieve.
After thousands of hours of client work, research, certifications, and direct application of the Libertas Method, I've seen so many amazing transformations already and would honoured and grateful to be part of your journey too!
Eddie Kays
The Freedom Whisperer
Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHt.)
Founder ICEA